Friday, June 5, 2009

Infinite branches

Another series on the theme of mankind's desire to control nature, this projected batch of work is more aesthetically evocative than conceptually rich to me.  It's a one-note idea that can be executed in so many really gorgeous ways.  The piece below (made from roots of a streamside tree that was uprooted in a storm) has no visible seams; and that would be true all the sculptures in this series.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Maine storage tanks

I love the wood grain. For decades, I've been painting the obviously fake wood grain and loving it for its evocativeness and artificiality. So when this "decorate the storage tank" competition came up, I had to go with the wood grain. As far as being the winning entry, I didn't succeed too much. As far as entering a winning idea, well, you be the judge.